31 more plays in another 31 days
To date, 9 of my 31 plays from last year's 31 Plays in 31 Days effort have been produced and/or published (some of them multiple times!). As I'd be a fool not to attempt this challenge every August for the rest of my life, I will of course be doing it again this year.
But also! I agreed to help them out with collecting the daily prompts they send out every morning to get those brain juices sloshing:
We’re now soliciting suggestions for prompt ideas. If you have prompts that you would like to share with the playwrights participating in this year’s 31 Plays in 31 Days Challenge, please email them to Brandon Crose, one of our prolific playwrights from last year who is creating this year’s prompts. He can be reached at brandon.crose @ gmail.com (remove the spaces). Please include your name and, if selected, we’ll acknowledge your contribution on our website in August.
Surrender your prompts to me! All of them. Yes. Yesss...
I think this is a great project—I can't overstate how instrumental it's been in my development as a playwright. So who's joining me this year?